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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Logging Issue

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Logging Issue

The world’s logging industry has destroyed more than five million hectare of lands every year. An example is logging activities in Sabah had caused serious forest destruction. There are positive and negative effects due to logging activities. The destruction of the ecosystem is related to uncontrolled logging. This is not only causing loss to the country but it also affect the flora and fauna. Besides that, the destruction of food chain, natural habitat and others form of ecology. Nature takes a long time for self regulation.
You may have read in the mass media of the concern often expressed both by scientists and environmentalists of the rate our country’s rainforests are disappearing through logging for land development. The indiscriminate cutting down of trees timber further aggravates the problem of soil erosion. What measures are we taking to preserve and conserve Malaysia’s forests so that this rich natural heritage will still be enjoyed by future Malaysians?
There are a few advantages of logging such as built many facilities like highway, fix the pipe and cable electric. Besides that, logging activities contribute to build furniture and houses. All this is due to man’s exploitation activities in for development. Large areas of forest have been cut down for housing, agricultural and commercial logging.
The disadvantages of logging activities for example have reduced the natural habitat of many species. Hence a number of animals can’t survive as the ecosystem has changed hence many have become extinct. Consequences of logging activities especially indiscriminate loggers can cause landslides, floods and many more.
Due to deforestation activities, large areas of forest are cleared indiscriminately for development and due to over logging, hence water catchments areas are destroyed.
In conclusion, the replanting programme must be done to ensure the growth of trees for future used. Presently, around 90 thousands hectares of commercial trees have been planted. Government and local authorities should impose strict rules and regulations for contractors and logging companies and impose hefty fines and jail-terms for offenders. Above all, implementation of all rules and regulation must be done totally.

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